Hey guys, this is mostly for Nayhan and his collaboration list.
Apperently it wasn't for Nayhan, but for you nice peoples, so enjoy nice peoples! =P
I am a composer/musician who has been a part of the audio community for about a good year or so now.
I like to compose a wide variety of musical styles.
Those styles range from:
Classical- Examples: 1. The Rain, Aleos (Take 2), A Perfect Cylinder(With Drums)
Heavy(Rock/Metal/Electronic)- Examples: Guilty Life Pursuit(Update), Harmony Dissonance, Ringing Extends, The End Is Coming Hidden In..., /.In The Way.\
Ambient- Examples: Opaque Shards, Boom, War, Snowy Pine Forrest, This Is Mo, Jesus Christ's Nephew
And many, many others. Some of more experimental value others are just some really fun songs that i would post, but am afraid this post would pretty much just get filled with all of my songs and i really don't want to end up doing that.
I have been included in one flash that is currently posted, and possibly one in the future. I have placed within the top ten of the Represent a Country 4 competition. (See this post for the list Yes i know it was in my own news post, but the contest was not run by me.).
I am willing to try many styles, and am currently working on my production quality, since some of the songs may have been great in composition, but the mixing wasn't.
So i hope to work with someone soon, Pm me if you'd like to collab, or if you'd like to use one of my songs.
Thank you. =3
[COMMENT}- LOLZ....just wanted to comment but I got to go..I'll come back and read this later though..
Lol thanks, i will be patiently awaiting the comment =3