A giant lovable teddy bear here to hugs kittens. =3 FEAR MY "=3" face!!!!!!

Kris Brown @Kirbyfemur

Age 33, Male

Rogue Community College

Grants Pass/Oregon

Joined on 12/18/07

Exp Points:
1,690 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.49 votes
Audio Scouts
Portal Security
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Kirbyfemur's News

Posted by Kirbyfemur - October 4th, 2010

So far we have gotten a lot of great songs in, but we need more diversity in styles. We need more genres involved other than just ambient. Yes i know that it is easier to write a creepy song that is mostly just ambiance and noises, but i want to hear some great stuff come from this community. We needs some awesomeness, come on guys!! :3

Posted by Kirbyfemur - September 19th, 2010

Hey guys. The competition has started and the round one entries have slowly started coming in. You guys should check out the submissions and help us all out with some reviews and votes to boost our self-esteems!

Newgrounds Death Match 2010!

Posted by Kirbyfemur - August 24th, 2010

Hello all. I am a musician/composer, lookin to see if anyone needs someone to write them a song for their madness flash. So far i have written two songs for the day:
Nearly Intended Madness
Unintended Madness

I am willing to try any genre, and would love to work with many if it comes to that. =3

Posted by Kirbyfemur - July 19th, 2010

Hey guys, this is mostly for Nayhan and his collaboration list.
Apperently it wasn't for Nayhan, but for you nice peoples, so enjoy nice peoples! =P

I am a composer/musician who has been a part of the audio community for about a good year or so now.
I like to compose a wide variety of musical styles.
Those styles range from:

Classical- Examples: 1. The Rain, Aleos (Take 2), A Perfect Cylinder(With Drums)

Heavy(Rock/Metal/Electronic)- Examples: Guilty Life Pursuit(Update), Harmony Dissonance, Ringing Extends, The End Is Coming Hidden In..., /.In The Way.\

Ambient- Examples: Opaque Shards, Boom, War, Snowy Pine Forrest, This Is Mo, Jesus Christ's Nephew

And many, many others. Some of more experimental value others are just some really fun songs that i would post, but am afraid this post would pretty much just get filled with all of my songs and i really don't want to end up doing that.

I have been included in one flash that is currently posted, and possibly one in the future. I have placed within the top ten of the Represent a Country 4 competition. (See this post for the list Yes i know it was in my own news post, but the contest was not run by me.).

I am willing to try many styles, and am currently working on my production quality, since some of the songs may have been great in composition, but the mixing wasn't.

So i hope to work with someone soon, Pm me if you'd like to collab, or if you'd like to use one of my songs.

Thank you. =3

Posted by Kirbyfemur - July 18th, 2010

Ninjas are currently surrounding your area, all carrying teddy bears stuffed to the brim with c4 explosives, and chocolate pudding. Slowly their outfits glow a bright pink and they explode into a fine neon green mist with a dash oregano. Then as if from out of nowhere, goats start to sing in unison the canadian national anthem, while tornados made ... See Moreof fruit gushers appear in the sky and transform the town into jello.

The town officials call an emergency meeting and discuss what it is they should do. Barney the Dinosaur, head of state stands and gives an elaborate speech of how Taco Bell is far superior to McDonalds. By the end of his speech the town is then inspired to try to stop the canadian singing goats and fruity tornadoes.

They stand hand in hand, feet in eggplant, and march off to battle. It is a bloody, and rather delicious battle, until only one is left standing. A small boy covered a perfect mixture of fruit gushers, blood and c4. And that my friends is how we got Spaghetti sauce. Longer though is the tale of the noodle, but that is for another day.

I'm a musician/composer looking to collaborate or make songs for someone who may need some musics =3

Posted by Kirbyfemur - July 3rd, 2010

Go here if you want to find the other contestants and ofther info that didn't make it here:

"NEW" Final results
1)Haiti: 66
2)Scotland: 58
3)North Pole: 57
4)United States: 50
4)Thailand: 50
5)China: 49
6)Russia: 47
7)Antarctica: 38
8)Italy: 36
9)Kurdistan: 22
10)Turkey: 20
10)Serbia: 20
10)Denmark: 20
11Romania: 18
12)Luxembourg: 17
13)Lebanon: 16
14)Iceland: 15
15)Kurdistan: 14
16)Indonesia: 13
17)Norway: 11
17)Israel: 11
18)Canada: 10
18)Chile: 10
19)Brazil: 9
20)Australia: 5
21)Belgium: 1

The reason for the rather drastic changes is because of the 2 point gaps between the 8, 10, and 12, and the fact that some entries gained points while others stayed about the same, or just gained lest points than others. Here's the order of points i was working with to find the results, there are some with the 1 point open (Marked with "(N/A)") those are just what was left over after the point move, and unless Neon says different, no one gets those points:

12 Points: Scotland
10 Points: China
8 Points: Turkey
7 Points: North Pole
6 Points: Haiti
5 Points: United States
4 Points: Kurdistan
3 Points: Iceland
2 Points: Antarctica
1 Point: (N/A)
12 Points: Haiti
10 Points: Scotland
8 Points: Thailand
7 Points: United States
6 Points: Antarctica
5 Points: Kurdistan
4 Points: Serbia
3 Points: China
2 Points: Indonesia
1 Point: (N/A)

12 Points: Thailand
10 Points: Serbia
8 Points: Iceland
7 Points: Haiti
6 Points: Italy
5 Points: China
4 Points: North Pole
3 Points: Romania
2 Points: Antarctica
1 Point: (N/A)

12 Points: United States
10 Points: Haiti
8 Points: Russia
7 Points: Italy
6 Points: China
5 Points: Lebanon
4 Points: Luxembourg
3 Points: North Pole
2 Points: Norway
1 Point: (N/A)

12 Points: Haiti
10 Points: Italy
8 Points: Kurdistan
7 Points: Norway
6 Points: Thailand
5 Points: United States
4 Points: Scotland
3 Points: Lebanon
2 Points: Denmark
1 Point: (N/A)
Block Points Breakdown
Block 1:-
12 Points: North Pole
10 Points: Scotland
8 Points: United States
7 Points: Thailand
6 Points: Kurdistan
5 Points: Haiti
4 Points: Israel
3 Points: Italy
2 Points: Norway
1 Point: (N/A)

Block 2:-
12 Points: Antarctica
10 Points: Russia
8 Points: Thailand
7 Points: Brazil
6 Points: Serbia
5 Points: North Pole
4 Points: Iceland
3 Points: Denmark
2 Points: Australia
1 Point: Belgium

Block 3:-
12 Points: Russia
10 Points: Turkey
8 Points: Lebanon
7 Points: Antarctica
6 Points: Haiti
5 Points: United States
4 Points: Thailand
3 Points: Romania
2 Points: China
1 Point: (N/A)

Block 4:-
12 Points: China
10 Points: Kurdistan
8 Points: North Pole
7 Points: Luxembourg
6 Points: United States
5 Points: Russia
4 Points: Scotland
3 Points: Indonesia
2 Points: Turkey
1 Point: (N/A)

Block 5:-
12 Points: North Pole
10 Points: Canada
8 Points: Russia
7 Points: Antarctica
6 Points: China
5 Points: Italy
4 Points: Haiti
3 Points: Australia
2 Points: Brazil
1 Point: (N/A)

Block 6:-
12 Points: Romania
10 Points: Scotland
8 Points: Indonesia
7 Points: Israel
6 Points: North Pole
5 Points: Thailand
4 Points: Russia
3 Points: Denmark
2 Points: Antarctica
1 Point: (N/A)

Public Vote Scores

12 Points: Denmark
10 Points: Chile
8 Points: Scotland
7 Points: China
6 Points: Luxembourg
5 Points: Italy
4 Points: Haiti
3 Points: Kurdistan
2 Points: United States
1 Point: (N/A)

Posted by Kirbyfemur - April 29th, 2010


Alrighty guys, i've started up my first challenge, but there is one problem.... We need more people, so i need you guys to either join in or find someone you know who might like to join in the challenge/competition. You just need to read the first post and say you'd like to join. Thanks and good luck!! =3

Posted by Kirbyfemur - April 10th, 2010

I made a song today that i really like, but i have a problem, i have two versions. Essentially the same, but the big difference is a drum part. And i like both versions, but i don't like one version more than the other. so can you help me, which one should i keep, or should i keep both even? Thanks all! =3
With Drums
Without Drums

Posted by Kirbyfemur - March 14th, 2010

Well, it's my birthday in about 2-3 hours as far as the west coast goes. I'll be 19 as of 1991 of tomorrow. While i know i wont feel any different, but it will be just another day to be older, hope i'll make more musics for you guys in the near future. =3

My favorite songs that i've done So far(Insert ego here =P):
Brittle Nature(A Cruel Breeze)
Jesus Christ's Nephew
The End Is Coming Hidden In A Bass Note

Posted by Kirbyfemur - February 7th, 2010

Well it's been since Christmas time since my last post, though no one is really reading these lol
Anyways for those of you who care i've got some new music out and If you'd like, check it out, if not then fuck off!!!! =P