Very catchy
There come many a time in one's life in which you'll come across a song in which you'll both like and dislike, for various reasons. One of those reasons can be how catchy a song is, and while there are some songs that are so goddamn catchy you ant to hate them, luckily this song hasn't done that.
But it is catchy none the less. Consistent, but enough going on to keep it from being monotonous and boring. I liked the sliding orchestra sound that popped up before the piano comes it.
One of those songs you could listen to while just taking a stroll around town. Walking to the beat, while at the same time trying to be discreet about it.
I have one question though, was the crackle that went on throughout the song intentional? It's not a terrible thing, just curious.
I'll give it a 10, even if it could use a little touch up work, there isn't truly anything blaringly obvious that stands out that needs to be fixed. Though the most thing you could fix up would be the descriptions of the songs. Give us something more, talk about the song you composed. Have the introduction as a side note, maybe separate it from the description. Like put a bunch of minuses abouve it and have the description be about the minuses.
Something like this. ^
Anyways good job. =3
-Review Request Club